Monday, January 10, 2011


We went down to my parents this christmas and got to spend it with both my sisters and their families. We had alot of fun, and Jade had a good first Christmas. She was very interested in the wrapping paper mostly, but did enjoy looking and playing with her new toys! Sadly with all the choas we never did get a family picture but oh well! Jade got lots of toys and some new clothes, we got some games for the wii, I finaly decided to go digital with my scrapbooking and got the new photoshop, Sean got some clothes and a new gun, so we had a great christmas!
Grandma was reading Jades favorite peek a boo book that she (well I) got to pick out at her well child check up to the grandkids.

Then Jade's Cousin Natalie was playing peek a boo with Jade.
Followed by cousin Hudson playing peek a boo using his new christmas toy box.Jade playing in her new walker that Grammy and Papa Seymore got her for Christmas! She loves it, and so does mommy when she needs a break!

2010 has been more than a blessing. We have a perfect beautiful healthy daughter who couldn't make us more happy. I get to stay home and play mommy with her all day, and Sean has been able to stay busy as ever and been able to try new things this year with his concrete. I am so grateful for my perfect family. I love Jade and couldn't ever imagine life with out her. I love my husband more than anything and am so grateful for all his hard work for our family. We truly have been blessed and we look forward to the new year and new disasters as we really start to baby proof this dang house!


Cherie said...

Yeah, you have all kinds of new disasters heading your way. :) Kelton is sitting here with me and he saw the family picture at the top. I said "who's that" and he said "Jade." He wouldn't say either of your names so I pointed to each of you. He didn't know your name, but he didn't hesitate with Sean's. He is such a boy--he loves other boys; daddy, grandpas, and uncles, apparently. Oh, and I made sure he knows your name too. But the sad truth is that boys are his favorite. Well, and Jade.

Kelli said...

Your daughter is adorable!! I can't believe how big she is! So cute.

Suni said...

Jade is the happiest baby, I love how she is always smiling!! CUute family pictures 2!!!